SANDRA: "As Mother I Give All My Best!"
The first interview after the birth of twins!
POP-ROCKY magazine 1995 (Germany). English translation from German by invisible_man, April 2003
As the first youth magazine of the world POP-ROCKY publishes Sandra's photo and her twins Nikita and Sebastian. The editor Oliver Opitz was the first journalist, who had a talk with Sandra after labors!
Счастливая семья:
Сандра и Михель Крету представляют оба своих крепких малыша Никиту и Себастьяна
Pop-Rocky: Hearty congratulations for your twins! How do you live now?
Sandra: Simply super! In one week after labors three of us could arrive back on Ibiza.

Pop-Rocky: When did you know, that you'll have the twins?
Sandra: It was so early. Probably, on the second month. The gynaecologist of mine has shown me two points on a ultrasonic screen. After moment of fear Michael and I delighted very much. Michael always wanted to have the twins. When we told about it to our friends, they have thought, that we joke.

Pop-Rocky: Whether the pregnancy was planned?
Sandra: Yes, we wanted to have the child one year. Unfortunately, it couldn't be carried out earlier.

Pop-Rocky: How the pregnancy by the twins differs from normal?
Sandra: I don't know. It's for the first time with me (laughs). But, if it's serious, you, of course, have a stomach much more thickly. I had the 114 sm in a circle of the stomach
Pop-Rocky: Your new album you recorded during pregnancy. It was very tiresome?
Sandra: No. I had even more to work a diaphragm and I got tired faster, but I standed all about the sixth month.
Pop-Rocky: It sounds so, that the pregnancy hardly - hardly affected on your life.
Sandra: Of course, that I tried to give up drinking and smoking. And, I began already correctly to eat for a long time.

Pop-Rocky: When it was finished at last?
Sandra: It became serious on July 5. We even were in Germany about 4 months, because the medical maintenance and devices here is better, than on Ibiza. I was regularly looked in the Munich female clinic onTaxistreet. The gynaecologist of mine offered us a delivery by Cesarean operation, because my pelvis is too narrow, and recommended to give birth the children for 38 weeks … Normal pregnancy last for 40 weeks. I visited the doctor last time the 5-th of July. The cardiac sounds were in the order, and he decided to begin a labors in the morning of the 6-th of July. First Nikita was born, he weighed 3.300, Sebastian weighed 1.700. Both of them were completely advanced. Sebastian was under observation one more week in clinic, because he had less weight.

Pop-Rocky: How many kg you put on weight during your pregnancy?
Sandra: 23 kg. But after labors it was already less on 14 kg. Now I have the 4 superfluous kgs in comparison with my old weight.
Pop-Rocky: How looks your daily routine now?
Sandra: Of course, It depends from my bouth kids. I feed them by a breast and, however, also I strain off milk, because both on any other were awake on various and any of them should receive his own ration. As Mother I Give All My Best!

Pop-Rocky: Do you sleep at all?
Sandra: A little. My mum comes in the morning at 8 hours and takes children on a pair of hours. Then I must draw off milk and then I can sleep 3-4 hours again.

Pop-Rocky: Where are sleep Nikita and Sebastian?
Sandra: Near to us in a crib. This most perfect sensation, which we can present to ourselves.

Pop-Rocky: Is Michael the good father?
Sandra: Better, than I thought. He takes care of the children with tender love, guards them and helps where he can. He also wrote the song "First Lullaby" for my new album "Fading Shades". This song I still sang when I was being the pregnant woman, and it is also dedicated to both our children.

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